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Our Podcast!

APPS Alchemy Podcast is a group effort from all of us.


This podcast features a wide range of topics like what we do as a team, what we are interested in and how various things are included within the paranormal [something beyond the normal]. We have a variety of guests and other members of our team joining us so come and listen in while we talk and joke around. Our goal is to educate and share our knowledge with and listen to input of the community.



APPS Alchemy was started after some of our members were guests on the Sandy and Toddcast. After many conversations and other guest appearances along with some other members of the team, and plenty of coaxing from Sandy and Todd, they decided, along with the team, to start their own show. 

After a few months of talking with the team and figuring out how they wanted to set this up, the ball started rolling. After many different conversations on name, logo, subject matter, and  much enthusiastic interest, APPS Alchemy was created.


They first aired on January 1st of 2022 and upload a new episode the first Saturday of each month (with a few exceptions). They talk about the paranormal, relic seeking, cryptids and more. This crew has known each other for a long while and not only consider the team a second family, but can definitely act like one! They love joking around and have a lot of inside jokes but always know when to be serious. 

They are produced and work in cooperation with Mind Garden Media. Go check out some of the stuff they also work on like The Sandy and Toddcast and The Empathecary Podcast!


A quick mention to one of our members that frequent our podcast regularly- Kristina Bloom and her podcast Be the Change


You can find them where you listen to your local podcasts like Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Amazon Music.

Join our Facebook page!

Please join us on Facebook @The APPS Alchemy Podcast to keep up to date on when the episodes drop and to interact with us! 

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